Top 10 Successful Young Entrepreneurs in India

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The Young Entrepreneurs in India List is full of inspiring stories that can motivate anyone. These are young people with big dreams who want to start their own businesses. They’re always eager to succeed and make their mark in the world.Reliable reports say 11 – 15% of Indians want to be entrepreneurs. However, only 5 – 10% start the journey to build their venture. https://deanna-ruseska-dot-brave-scanner-331615.ue.r.appspot.com/?c=1ukMFZDwQk-P6kFPXT7mVW7zfUXogDq9Hhv0xZWQvHp0&q=1494561365&r=17db123c8b28b300&z=1639354452643&o=https://ponnusamykarthik.com/successful-young-entrepreneurs-in-india/


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