玩家的個人信息在代儲過程中得到嚴密的保護。石頭手遊代儲網承諾不濫用、不洩露玩家的隱私信息,確保每位玩家都能夠放心享受代儲服務。 It has been like thre yrs and the game nonetheless has no translation, undecided why that may be considering the fact that TAS has experienced it for a long time. Why don't you give just one to this sport? It can make it challenging to Enjoy the sport, https://elfgames24h.com/%e4%bb%a3%e5%84%b2%e5%8e%9f%e7%90%86%e5%85%a8%e9%9d%a2%e8%a7%a3%e8%ae%80%ef%bc%9a%e6%8f%90%e5%8d%87%e6%82%a8%e7%9a%84%e7%b2%be%e9%9d%88%e6%89%8b%e9%81%8a%e9%ab%94%e9%a9%97/